Company Profile

Company Name American Wire Group
Location Miami, FL 33180
Year Founded 2001
Staff 100-199
Product industries Manufacturer
Main Products / Services Cables / Wire / Wire: Insulated / Wire: Copper / Cables: Electric / Cables: Electronic / Cables: High Voltage / Cables: Power / Cables: Control / Cables: Grounding / Electric Wire, Cable and Cable Assemblies / Mechanical Wire, Cable and Rope / Fiber Optic Cable and Cable Assemblies / Arresters / Boxes / Brackets / Caps / Clamps / Conductors / Conduits and Ducts / Connectors / Corrosion Resistant Products / Joints / Military Equipment / Plugs and Stoppers / Polyethylene Products / Reels / Rods / Seals / Spools


Producer of bespoke and conventional electric control wires. Cable types include aluminum conductor, PVC trays, thermocouple instrumentation, power, and traffic signal cables. Flame-retardant crosslinked polyethylene insulation, stranded uncoated copper conductors, and color coding are only a few of the features. satisfy ASTM requirements. ULĀ® certified. CSA recognized.